


本文主要参考了这篇文章 全志D1-H芯片 如何在tina使用tplayerdemo 进行rtsp拉流说明?_tina 播放裸流-CSDN博客


进入到 SDK 的 package/allwinner 目录下,这个目录下是一个 git 仓库

新建一个名字为 support_rtsp.patch 的文件,写入以下内容

diff --git a/allwinner/tina_multimedia/libcedarx/libcore/parser/Makefile.am b/allwinner/tina_multimedia/libcedarx/libcore/parser/Makefile.am
index f33af3743..5d1aeaf0c 100755
--- a/allwinner/tina_multimedia/libcedarx/libcore/parser/Makefile.am
+++ b/allwinner/tina_multimedia/libcedarx/libcore/parser/Makefile.am
@@ -72,4 +72,7 @@ if PLS_PARSER_ENABLE
 SUBDIRS += pls

-SUBDIRS += base
\ No newline at end of file
+SUBDIRS += remux
+SUBDIRS += base
diff --git a/allwinner/tina_multimedia/libcedarx/libcore/parser/base/CdxParser.c b/allwinner/tina_multimedia/libcedarx/libcore/parser/base/CdxParser.c
index 44305f3c6..a24273fbc 100755
--- a/allwinner/tina_multimedia/libcedarx/libcore/parser/base/CdxParser.c
+++ b/allwinner/tina_multimedia/libcedarx/libcore/parser/base/CdxParser.c
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ static struct ParserUriKeyInfoS asfKeyInfo =

-#if 0
+#if 1
 extern CdxParserCreatorT remuxParserCtor;
 static struct ParserUriKeyInfoS remuxKeyInfo =
@@ -460,7 +460,7 @@ void AwParserInit(void)
     AwParserRegister(&movParserCtor, CDX_PARSER_MOV, &movKeyInfo);

-#if 0
+#if 1
     AwParserRegister(&remuxParserCtor, CDX_PARSER_REMUX, &remuxKeyInfo);

diff --git a/allwinner/tina_multimedia/libcedarx/libcore/parser/base/Makefile.am b/allwinner/tina_multimedia/libcedarx/libcore/parser/base/Makefile.am
index 9dbb73590..86174f94e 100755
--- a/allwinner/tina_multimedia/libcedarx/libcore/parser/base/Makefile.am
+++ b/allwinner/tina_multimedia/libcedarx/libcore/parser/base/Makefile.am
@@ -65,6 +65,8 @@ libcdx_parser_la_LIBADD += $(top_srcdir)/libcore/parser/avi/libcdx_avi_parser.la
 libcdx_parser_la_CFLAGS += -DAVI_PARSER_ENABLE

+libcdx_parser_la_LIBADD += $(top_srcdir)/libcore/parser/remux/libcdx_remux_parser.la
 libcdx_parser_la_LIBADD += $(top_srcdir)/libcore/parser/ts/libcdx_ts_parser.la
 libcdx_parser_la_CFLAGS += -DTS_PARSER_ENABLE

用 git apply 来运行 patch 补丁

git apply support_rtsp.patch

然后运行 make menuconfig 打开配置菜单,搜索 rtsp 看到的第一个就是了,把它使能,然后编译、打包、烧录到开发板



有拉当然还得有推,推流用 Windows 的机器,需要先开放几个端口,rtsp 的话用的默认是 8554 端口,这里直接用一个现成的工具,省去反复开端口的麻烦


然后再打开一个终端来运行推流,指定端口到8554端口,事先准备的 input.mp4 文件也在当前目录

ffmpeg -re -stream_loop -1 -i input.mp4 -c copy -f rtsp rtsp://



完成了之前的步骤后,开发板进行 RTSP 拉流就比较容易了,联网、拉流即可

先连接上 Wi-Fi

wifi_connect_ap_test [ssid] [password]

然后用 tplayerdemo 来拉流播放

tplayerdemo rtsp://

可以看到视频可以播放到 HDMI 的输出了,日志如下

root@TinaLinux:/# tplayerdemo rtsp://
WARNING: awplayer <cdx_log_set_level:30>: cdx Set log level to 6

INFO   : cedarc <CedarPluginVDInit:79>: register h264 decoder success!
INFO   : cedarc <CedarPluginVDInit:84>: register mjpeg decoder success!
INFO   : cedarc <CedarPluginVDInit:86>: register mpeg2 decoder success!
INFO   : cedarc <CedarPluginVDInit:92>: register mpeg4dx decoder success!
INFO   : cedarc <CedarPluginVDInit:79>: register mpeg4H263 decoder success!
INFO   : cedarc <CedarPluginVDInit:90>: register mpeg4Normal decoder success!
INFO   : cedarc <CedarPluginVDInit:74>: register vc1 decoder success!
INFO   : cedarc <CedarPluginVDInit:85>: register h265 decoder success!

* This program implements a simple player, you can type commands to control the player.
* To show what commands supported, type 'help'.
dd: writing '/dev/fb0': No space left on device
32401+0 records in
32400+0 records out
argc = 2
argv[0] = tplayerdemo
argv[1] = rtsp://
may be is one file:cut[  133.664339] [SNDCODEC][sunxi_card_hw_params][620]:stream_flag: 0
 down suffix is:.mp4
find the matched type:.mp4
create player:0

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> tina_multimedia <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
tag   : tina3.5
branch: tina-dev
date  : Mon Jul 15 19:04:59 2019 +0800
Change-Id: I5f6c8a88d7b387a312b7744797a0d5f8ab07ee7a
xplayer:process message XPLAYER_COMMAND_SET_AUDIOSINK.
xplayer:process message XPLAYER_COMMAND_SET_SURFACE.
xplayer:process message XPLAYER_COMMAND_SET_SUBCTRL.
xplayer:process message XPLAYER_COMMAND_SET_DI.
create player[0]:0x34a2a3d0
screen width:1920,screen height:1080
before TPlayerSetDataSource,94712:rtsp://
xplayer:process message XPLAYER_COMMAND_SET_SOURCE.
setDataSource end
xplayer:process message XPLAYER_COMMAND_PREPARE.
Created new TCP socket 9 for connection
INFO   : cedarc <log_set_level:4[  133.983565] VE: enable hw clock
3>: Set log level to 5 from /ven[  133.989646] enable_cedar_hw_clk,552
ERROR  : cedarc <DebugCheckConfig:301>: e[4[  133.998973] VE: VE real_freq=576000000
[  133.998973]
0;31mnow cedarc log level:5
info: media source is unseekable.
TPlayerPrepare end
xplayer:process message XPLAYER_COMMAND_START.
(Allwinner Audio Middle Layer),line(971) : Create Decoder!!=====
(Allwinner Audio Middle Layer),line(603) : AudioDec_Installaudiolib ok
(Allwinner Audio Middle Layer),line(606) : audio decoder init start ...
(AllwinnerAlibs),line(50) :
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Audio <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
tag   : audiocodec-v1.2
branch: new
commit: 3ba65962c01cbf1280ddda19d843009b6ef8ce85
date  : Tue Jan 8 16:25:27 2019 +0800

(AllwinnerAlibs),line(700) : ----Loading so success!
(AllwinnerAlibs),line(902) : *************pAudioStreamInfo start******************
(AllwinnerAlibs),line(903) : eCodecFormat         :id(4), name(aac low-complexy)
(AllwinnerAlibs),line(904) : eSubCodecFormat      :0
(AllwinnerAlibs),line(905) : nChannelNum          :2
(AllwinnerAlibs),line(906) : nBitsPerSample       :16
(AllwinnerAlibs),line(907) : nSampleRate          :44100
(AllwinnerAlibs),line(908) : nAvgBitrate          :0
(AllwinnerAlibs),line(909) : nMaxBitRate          :0
(AllwinnerAlibs),line(910) : nFileSize            :0
(AllwinnerAlibs),line(911) : eAudioBitstreamSource:0
(AllwinnerAlibs),line(912) : eDataEncodeType      :0
(AllwinnerAlibs),line(913) : nCodecSpecificDataLen:2
(AllwinnerAlibs),line(914) : pCodecSpecificData   :0x3fbc088420
(AllwinnerAlibs),line(915) : nFlags               :0
(AllwinnerAlibs),line(916) : nBlockAlign          :0
(AllwinnerAlibs),line(917) : *************pAudioStreamInfo end  ******************
(AAC Decoder),line(36) : init successs...
(Allwinner Audio Middle Layer),line(614) : AUDIO DECODE INIT OK...0

tplayerdemo# ERROR  : awplayer <PlayerStart:806>: invalid start operation, player already in started status.
have no enough data to play
have enough data to play again
ERROR  : awplayer <__LayerQueueBuffer:969>: *** picNode is full when queue buffer
ERROR  : awplayer <__LayerQueueBuffer:969>: *** picNode is full when queue buffer
*****tplayer:video decoded width = 1280,height = 720
*****tplayerdemo:video decoded width = 1280,height = 720real set to display rect:w = 1280,h = 720
warning: unknown callback from Tinaplayer.
*****tplayer:video width = 1280,height = 720
warning: unknown callback from Tinaplayer.
****player(0x34a2c7b0): first video pts = 1714438937699315*****
ERROR  : awplayer <__LayerQueueBuffer:969>: *** picNode is full when queue buffer
ERROR  : fbm.c <FbmReturnPicture:1043>: invalid frame status, a picture being returned,                 but bUsedByRender=0, bInValidPictureQueue=1, bAlreadyDisplayed=0.
ERROR  : fbm.c <FbmReturnPicture:1044>: **picture[0x3fb4001f08],id[8]
WARNING: cedarc <ReturnPicture:1698>: FbmReturnPicture return fail,            it means the picture being returned it not one of this FBM.