
/* Insert a free block into the free block list. */
static void insert_free_block(control_t * control, block_header_t * block, int fl, int sl)
block_header_t * current = control->blocks[fl][sl];
tlsf_assert(current && “free list cannot have a null entry”);
tlsf_assert(block && “cannot insert a null entry into the free list”);
block->next_free = current;
block->prev_free = &control->block_null;
current->prev_free = block;

tlsf_assert(block_to_ptr(block) == align_ptr(block_to_ptr(block), ALIGN_SIZE)
            && "block not aligned properly");
** Insert the new block at the head of the list, and mark the first-
** and second-level bitmaps appropriately.
control->blocks[fl][sl] = block;
control->fl_bitmap |= (1U << fl);
control->sl_bitmap[fl] |= (1U << sl);
